Mission & Vision

Mission & Vision


To empower people with the Word and the Spirit to reach the World!


To see our generation experience an unprecedented move of God!


The Word
We will faithfully teach, preach, and adhere to God’s Word.

The Spirit
We will strive to be Spirit filled and Spirit led in all that we do.

The Harvest
 We will reach beyond ourselves to the world around us.

The Church
We will love, care for, and invest in the people of God.


Rediscover God
Rediscover Yourself
Rediscover Family
Rediscover Purpose


To empower people with the Word and the Spirit to reach the World!


To see our generation experience an unprecedented move of God!


The Word
We will faithfully teach, preach, and adhere to God’s Word.

The Spirit
We will strive to be Spirit filled and Spirit led in all that we do.

The Harvest
 We will reach beyond ourselves to the world around us.

The Church
We will love, care for, and invest in the people of God.


Rediscover God
Rediscover Yourself
Rediscover Family
Rediscover Purpose

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